Lyrics Latin Quarter

Latin Quarter

Ocean Head

We start so small, there's so much to us

Who builds the walls we can never rise above?

I can tear them for you

Tear them down, but I'm not going to drown for you

Someone rocked you on the deep

Someone rocked you off to sleep

Now I'm rocking you awake

How much rocking can you take

Rock you ready now to walk the waves instead

Wake up, wake up, Ocean Head

We work so hard, we live for working

Where are the stars? If we could only raise our head

I can hand them down to you

Hand them down, but I'm not going to drown for you

And let the sea come crashing in

Let it take you up again

And let it pound upon your shore

Let its love become your law

But it can't wash out whatever came before

We are so wise but there's no-one listening

Who starts the lies? Who keeps us prisoners?

I can burn them down for you

Burn them down, but I'm not going to drown for you