Rebellion Vs. The Alarm Clock

I heard you're going off the edge

In a more than literal sense.

Your expressions of frustration

Don't seem to be reminding you

That life doesn't end when we

Pass thirty years of age.

So listen to what you feel inside

To find your passions today.

I never wanted it to be like this.

I've heard you cry countless times.

And it always seems to make me wonder why

You live your life the same way

Every single day

When it leaves you hopeless and empty.

It's time for a change.

So what does this all add up to

If it gets you lost in the moments.

I love you no matter what happens

But you have to remember something.

I've always said if you stay young at heart

Age can never win.

If occupations define ourselves

It will leave us alienated

From ourselves and our world.

So let's get up and find a new way