Lyrics Laura Story

Laura Story


Do you remember

The last hand that was held out to you,

The last time you heard the words inviting you to come,

The last time there were arms open wide for you

Do you remember

Ever knowing anyone

Who saw you as someone

Who called you by name and said


Every word and deed you are forgiven

He says to you, my child,

You are chosen, you are loved

You are forgiven

Do you remember

Last time you truly felt safe

The last time you were honest about you feeling pain

Knowing there was someone who could take that guilt away

Do you remember

When you heard the words of love

Living in your heart

That you are worth the cost

You are forgiven

Every word and deed you are forgiven

He says to you, my child,

You are chosen, you are loved

You are forgiven

I am set free

All my stains are washed clean

Jesus, my God and King

Thank You for saving me

I am forgiven

I am forgiven

I am chosen, I am loved

I am forgiven

I have been set free, I've been forgiven

You say to me, my child,

You are chosen, you are loved

And that will always be enough

I am forgiven