Fake French

I've got - the new sincerity

I've got - a secret vocabulary

I've got - MIDI in, out, thru

I've got - dialectical specstimme

I've got - herm choreography

I've got - a conceptual stunt double

I've got - a deviant scene, i mean

I've got - multiple alliances

I've got to move



I've got - The Gift of Fear

I've got - The Courage to Heal

I've got - site specificity

I've got - plan "B" ability

I've got to move



oh oh oh oh oh oh oh got to move

I've got - extensive bibliographies

I've got - flow disruption

I've got - widlife metaphors

I've got - post-binary gender chores

My Fake French is hot

You can't make me stop

Got nowhere to run to baby

Come on turn it up
