Big Fat Woman

Say, Big Fat Woman get your fat legs off of me

Now you Big Fat Woman get your fat legs off of me

Now it feels so good, scare the hell out of me

Oh, Big Fat Woman with the meat shakin' on her bones

Yes Big Fat Woman with the meat shakin' on her bones

Ev'ry time she dance, skinny gal'll lose her home

She got great big legs, she got wanton thighs

Big Fat Woman got wanton thighs

Ev'ry time she moves, make my temp'rature rise

She's a fine lookin' woman, got great big legs

Big Fat Woman got great big legs

Ev'ry time she moves, move like a soft boil'd egg

I love you mama, goin' get me kill'd

Big Fat Woman goin' get me kill'd

Lovin', lovin', lovin' get this poor boy kill'd