Good Night, Irene


Irene, good night, Irene, good night.

Good night Irene, good night Irene,

I`ll see you in my dreams.

1. Last saturday night I got married

Me and my wife settled down


Now my wife and I for a party

gonna take another stroll downtown


2. Sometimes I live in the country

Sometimes I live in the town

Sometimes I take a fool notion

To jump in the ocean and drown


3. Stop your ramblin` stop your gamblin`

Stop stayin` up late at night

Go home to your wife and family

Stay there by fireside bright


...tak to zpival J.Cash. Huddie Ledbetter (Leadbelly) to zpival takhle:


1. Sometimes I live in the country,

Sometimes I live in the town.

Sometimes I have a great notion

To jump into the river and drown.


2. I asked your mother for you,

She told me you were too young.

I wish to the Lord I never seen your face,

I`m sorry you ever was born.


3. You caused me to weep, you caused me to moan,

You caused me to leave my home.

The last word I ever heard her say:

"I want you to sing me a song"


4. Stop ramblin` and stop gamblin`,

Quit staying out late at night.

Go home to your wife and your family,

Sit down by the fireside bright.


5. I love Irene,God knows I do,

I love her till the sea runs dry.

If Irene turns her back on me

I`m gonna take morphine and die.


A nakonec česky:


Irene, jdi spát, Irene, jdi spát,

jdi spát, Irene, jdi spát, Irene,

a nech si o mně zdát.

1. Já přišel si o tebe říct,

tvá máma hnala mě ven,

ať koukám prej dál svojí cestou jít

a víckrát se nevracím sem.


2. Já nejsem farmář, to vím,

jsem tulák a toulám se rád,

spím, kde se dá, suchej chleba jím,

je psí život takhle se štvát.


3. Vzal čert tenhle proklatej kraj,

vzal čert tenhle bláznivej den,

až hvězdy zhasnou, já řeknu jen:

buď sbohem, má Irene, good night.
