National Defense Blues

I had a little woman workin' on that National Defense

I had a little woman workin' on that National Defense

That woman got to the place, where act like she did not have no sense

Just because she was workin', makin' so much dough

Just because she was workin', makin' so much dough

That woman got to the place, did not love me no more

Every payday would come, her check was big as mine

Every payday would come, her check was big as mine

That woman thought that Defense was gonna last all the time

That Defense is gone, just listen to my song

That Defense, it is gone, just listen to my song

Since that Defense been gone, that woman done lose her home


Yes, she is ... yeah ... . well all right, then

I will tell you the truth and it's got to be the fact

I will tell you the truth and it's got to be a fact

Since that Defense has gone, that woman losed her Cadillac