Lyrics Leatherface


Baked Potato

I've read the books of men and women and death

I've stood in bars listening to conversations

About Jesus Christ and the refugee's and the Royal family

Everybody knows hot to cook baked potatoes

Everybody knows but they still tell you

Everybody knows which way the wind blows

Everybody knows there's catastrophe

Then comes the film packed full of art

You know that for a start and people like me

Have something to sing about

Everybody knows which way the wind blows

Everybody knows but they still tell you

Everybody knows to cook baked potatoes

Everybody knows you can't fill your boots

Forever and ever and ever

Seeing black sand can't become to anything

A sally army marching band wasn't what I had in mind

Seeing black sand and *it's coughing like big mound*

Being black sand feeling

And I've read the books of men and women and death

I've stood in bars listening to conversations

About Jesus Christ and the refugee's and the Royal family

Impersonate Cliff Richards lip or Iggy with a bottle

Is not as ridiculous as Black Rod knocking

On a door once a year and never getting in

Because he want's the people to come and listen to the Queen