Lyrics Leatherface


Bowl Of Flies

Mary Whitehouse spouts bout this and that and all the ins and outs

David Ike is right does he need to give his life to prove that he is right

Do you understand what it's like to be a laughing stock in life

Do you understand what it's like or who you are

Eccentric billionaire he doesn't care he'll give it all away

Then there's the mother like the woman in

Butterflies who ties herself up and dies

We won't wait or hesitate to criticise

And never in a million billion years

Will we understand their minds

Do you understand what it's like to give away your life

And do you understand what it's like to be a lost cause

Like a butterfly we've a very short life

Lighted cigarettes will burn out in time

Like a rainforest but not metaphoric

In fact like a piss in the Atlantic

Like a bowl of flies we've a very short life