Lyrics Leatherface


Don't Work

And as fashionable as anything new sometimes I credit you

With more intelligence than you've got and

Sometimes I don't credit you with enough

Today and we can make things happen

And don't say can't and don't work too hard

A new way and you can make things happen

It's a feeling just don't work too hard

You're the centre of the universe make the most of it

And do your very worst

Get up there with the rest the bashful cynic

It's alright to be second best

Don't waste your time it's the heart that's hard

It's the head that's soft pretty slogans and the crimes

Are meaningless tokens don't waste your time

It's the heart that's hard it's the head that's fucking soft

Industrious and arthritic I'd forgive you everything just don't sing

For love at first site and for peace of mind she's a man

He's a woman they're all human

Today and we can make things happen

Don't say can't and don't work too hard

A new way and you can make things happen

It's a feeling just don't work too hard

Don't waste your time it's the heart that's hard

It's the head that's soft pretty slogans and the crimes

Are meaningless tokens don't waste your time

It's the heart that's hard it's the head that's fucking soft