Lyrics Leaves' Eyes

Leaves' Eyes

Angel and the Ghost

I looked for love and then I found disgrace

My life dissolved into an empty shade

As dead as stones in the maundering wall

His heart was a silent grave

My throat in tunes so sadly expressed

For your misery I will not sacrifice

My holy virgin pride

Ring out the bell let my mourning echo through the walls

My heart sleeps so lonely

My ghost will seek you at night

Calm was the day though I was trembling hard

Calling me to explain to him at court yard

Then I refused to marry him at once

For his heart was sick with hate

The duke screaming insanely at the court

Have her beheaded for she denied the lord

Her execution a blind man's deed

Beheaded her for her faith

I have not sinned nor am I insane

Yet you will have me beheaded for believing in the good and honest

My cause not defended

You caused my death

You stabbed my soul and took away the bare earth under my feet

From here you will be the one to slowly decay night by night

When you see my sad guiltless ghost walking upon you

I will carry my head and leave it before your feet

My ghost will seek you at night

My angel will seek you at night

My ghost will seek you at night

My angel will seek you tonight