Rebel intro


Just wanna dive into the beat

Swim around in it

Lets rebel

Rebel, I'm in rebellion Yeah, to all my Rebels out there

Rebelling against the culture, being transformed

Not conformed to the ways of this world, or this age

Welcome to the Rebel-ution

Jesus was a rebel, a renegade outlaw

Sanctified trouble maker, but he never sinned, naw

And he lived his life by a different set of rules

The culture ain't approve so you know they had to bruise him

That's the way they do, man they swear they so gangsta

Everyone the same, everybody do the same stuff

Tattoos, piercings, smoking up and drinking

Money and sex, plus them extravagant weekends

Man if that's the high life of puff puff pass that

You live evaporated like missing a gas cap

I guess I'm past that, I'm in rebellion

Rather have a dollar in my pocket than a million

I'm scared to worship money and my wants over Elyon

I remain a rebel while the rest of them just carry on

This is what I live for, its the hill I'm buried on

If Jesus is the truth that means one of us is very wrong

Think about it

Rebel, I'm in rebellion I know in our day rebel means sinner

But everyone is sinning, so it’s no longer rebellious to sin

Jesus was a rebel who was counter cultural

No glory in me, all glory's to the King of the throne

You either love him or you leave him alone

But you can't do both

Yeah I know you heard that once in a song

I pray you hear it ten more 'fore you're gone

Hey listen up holmes, the stage is the corner the crowd is the streets

And I rap the bread of life because they dying to eat

Yeah I'm a rebel, you know the kind that die in the street

Cause you refuse to conform won't eat the king's meat

Christ rebelled by shunning the culture

He eating with the sinners, giving Pharisees ulcers

He never got married, he was broke plus homeless

And yeah that's the God I roll with

Your boy got a wife, and no I never cheated

I'm praying for humility whenever I get heated

Forget about the drugs, rebel against pornography

This ain't how it ought to be homie its how its gotta be

A rebel

Rebel, I'm in rebellion You’re just a conformist, if you're drunk and naked and driving around on a loud motorcycle smoking cigarettes and breaking commandments

And getting pregnant out of wedlock

Everyone's done that, it's so tiring

If you really want to be a rebel, read your Bible, because no one is doing that

That’s rebellion

That’s the only rebellion left