Head Above Water

Sometimes, I feel jus' like a heart on the edge of a break

Draw.. the line, I think that I've had all.. that I feel.. I can take

Oh keep your, (head above water)...

Just watch your step or you're

(Sure to go under)

(Head above water)...

Don't take a dive or it will all just slip away

Slow down, it seems like everything is just coming too fast

Look around.., or it will all.. be a part o' the past

Oh keep your, (head above water)...

Just watch your step or you're

(Sure ta go under)

(Head above water)...

Don't take a dive or it will slip away

You'll have nowhere to go...

Only the same old scene..

You'll have nothing ta show...

'Cause it's only a dream...

(Head above water)...

Just watch your step or you're

(Sure ta go under)

(Head above water)...

Don't take a dive or you're

(Sure ta go under)

(Head above water)...

Just watch your step or you're

(Sure ta go under)

(Head above water)...

Don't take a dive or it will all just slip away