Metal Queen

She come like thunder.. risin' from the ground

She'll bring you under she moves without a sound

She holds a passion, like no other could..

Now when she talks.. the word's understood

Writin', electric song

So get a ticket you jus' got to get on

(Metal Queen..)

(Metal Queen..)

They come to see her.. move across the stage

One single motion, turns into a rage

She holds a power, like no other man..

Now when she runs.. catch 'er if you can

Writin', electric song

So get a ticket you jus' got to get on

(Metal Queen..) (rocks your soul)

(Metal Queen..) (takes control)

(Metal Queen..) (rocks your soul)

(Metal Queen..) (takes control)

Oh... oh... oh... oh...

Oh... oh... oh... oh..... oh!

She come like thunder risin' from the ground

She takes you under she moves without a sound

She reeks of power, like no other man

Well now she's runnin'.. catch 'er if you can

Writin' electric song

So get a ticket you jus' got to get on

(Metal Queen..) (rocks your soul)

(Metal Queen..) (takes control)

(Metal Queen..) (rocks your soul)

(Metal Queen..) (takes control)
