Lyrics Lee Kernaghan

Lee Kernaghan

Close As A Whisper

I tumbled into life.. out on the western line

A smiple gathering of melody and rhyme

Written down and twicked a bit

Ink pen on manuscript

Little town Little song

Lookin for somewhere to belong

Sat in a bureau drawer

Pulled out then performed

For a governor and mayor

A low clock scratched me down

Next mornin we left town

And he was hummin as we rode

And I wondered where we'd go

On and on round and round

Far and wide am I bound

I'm a gift I'm a drifter

Always wondering free

On and on like the wind

I am home I am friend

And you'll always be as close

As a whisper to me

Some shear is headin south

Sang me to Jackie How

First time he ever shoved a hundred in a day

I rode the silver rails

I crossed the mountain trails

They sing my story from the cave to Morton Bay

And send me on my way

On and on round and round

Far and wide am I bound

I'm a gift I'm a drifter

Always wondering free

On and on like the wind

I am home, I am friend

And you'll always be as close

As a whisper to me

As Private Monroe gentle sang

I floated over no mans land

I've seen the tears

Of countless lonely sons

I've crossed the raging seas

Wound up in symphonys

Was there in victories

Been song on bended knees

Of just some notes and verse

Nothing more and nothing less

You find me at the stock camp

As their passin' out the rum

Out near where I'm from

On and on round and round

Far and wide am I bound

I'm a gift I'm a drifter

Always wondering free

On and on like the wind

I am home, I am friend

And you'll always be as close

As a whisper to me

On and on with this swag

And an old tucker bag

Singing who'll come a Waltz'n Matilda

With Me !!!!