Falling For You

A childlike love I had

When we first began

We ran and I fell behind

I?ve been stuck here all this time

You waited like a lover

Who couldn?t let go of his bride

I turned my back away from You

Didn?t shed a tear or cry

But I?m falling for You now

I?m coming back to the place where we parted

It?s for real this time

So I?ll be here waiting where we started

My feet were bruised

I tried but I couldn?t fill Your shoes

I went my way, I bought the lie

That I was all grown up, didn?t need You in my life

The winter left me cold and frozen

Looking for the truth

But searching for the sun

I found the place where I met You

And I?m falling for You now

I?m coming back to the place where we parted

It?s for real this time

So I?ll be here waiting where we started

It feels so good to be in Your arms

You never left me, I just chose to stay behind

I want to thank You for Your love that gives me freedom

To run back, to come back

Falling for You now

I?m coming back to the place where we parted

I keep on falling, I keep on falling

And it?s for real this time

So I?ll be here waiting where we started