Opposite Way

Living in the same town for all these years

Doing the same old things

Hanging with the same crowd

And it?s starting to get crippling

You?ve never felt in place

And you tell yourself it?s all okay

But something?s different today

You want to run the opposite way

And it seems like you?re locked in a cage

And you need to find a way of escape

When everyone is setting the pace

It?s okay to run the opposite way

The Father sent His Son down

The light of men

The cross He bore was crippling

Rejected in His own town

They couldn?t see the sun shining

He knelt in the garden and prayed

Father, let this cup pass from me

It?s not Your will for me to stay

Your will for me is the opposite way

And it seemed like He was locked in a cage

And He couldn?t find a way of escape

But through the cross He conquered the grave

My Jesus ran the opposite way

Oh, and through the cross He conquered the grave

Oh, He ran the opposite way

Yeah, through the cross He conquered the grave

So you could run the opposite way