Ball Hugger

Ball hugger, ball hugger, ball hugger, Bo! This one goes

out to all the hard-asses who think their holier than

thou. I get a kick out of you when I go out.

Playing in the sandbox with the well-endowed.


Kiss that kiss-hug that hug.

A ball hugger’s work is never done. Well don’t forget we

remember everything you say.

You look and feel like you have lost ya way. Like a fool

you answer all of my ways. You find a fool and live for

another day.

You get along in tricks, just to get your kicks. Do

everything I said just to get along. One heart that’s

cold, one heart that’s sold.

Hey lets watch that punk try to stand proud (well-

endowed) Well don’t forget we remember everything that

you say.

With your look and appeal like the undead.

One heart that’s hypocritical, a personality that’s

cynical. You don’t want to rest yet, you don’t want to

rest your way.