Lyrics Leftöver Crack

Leftöver Crack

Clear Channel (Fuck Off!)

The Sovereign Insincerity The monopoly of greed

Nickleback, POD, Rancid, Britany & Creed

The Bureaucrats they leech upon to mediocre trends

Your song in heavy rotation from the cash your label spends

From the products you promote for the ones who foot the bill

A Prefabricated goose-step for the pockets that you fill

The monotony of censored products shine in the display

The same old song of compromise went platinum today.

From town to town & state to state

The same old song you love to hate

The same shit stacked upon your plate

rotate again & syndicate

We've been waiting far too long

too change the band, too change the song

through every day & dusk & dawn

We've been brain-washed to sing along

No difference between the hot new single

& the Pepsi ads commercial jingle

The beauty's withered faded crinkle

Just sip the coke & pop the pringle

THe boardroom is the dragons lair

They play us shit 'cuz they dont care

The clearest channel plays unfair

& we all want you off the air

Overdose on shoddy culture; mediocre trends

Auto-Tune the bottom line as a mean to meet the ends

Merging corporate empires create the ill conglomerations

& buy up to reprogram major market radio stations

Fabricate one single voice broadcast from sea to sea

What once held notions of change & choice

is now being controlled fully

Deregulations raised the edge of expolitations bar

Politics replaced by "bling" & clothes & fancy cars

Trapped imaginations from the video's blinding light

Bombarded with monotony that captivates the sight

The channel we've been tuned to is all frigid, blank and clear

Told what to eat & drink & buy and whom to hate & fear

POisoned by the fairy-tale, A capitalistic dream

Go to sleep, You're free and brave, and on the winning team