Eden Massacre

Pick a place of beauty, pick a place of light

Cover it in shrapnel, burn it through the night

Hide your secret weapon in the place without a fear

Death lies in the shadows, murder stands so near

You say you have a mission, that god is in your song

The awful deeds you perpetrate, have never been so wrong

To scar the dream of paradise, an Eden for us all

Destruction of tranquility, so innocent they fall

Eden Massacre

This island in the sunlight, a place of perfect peace

It's people & it's magic, destroyed as you unleashed

Your terror gift of evil, a serpent from your hate

A massacre in Eden, an unforgiving fate

You say you have a mission, that god is in your song

The awful deeds you perpetrate, have never been so wrong

To scar the dream of paradise, an Eden for us all

Destruction of tranquility, so innocent they fall

Eden Massacre