Song For A Soldier

Black dog howls on the edge of the night, howls the call of doom

The soldier wipes his sweaty brow from the safety of his room

Not long to go till the battle screams of death into the night

And the soldier boy will lose his life in this endless bloody plight

Two thousand dead, so what, it's fame, a medal or two for me

As long as my body never bleeds my glory's always free

The mornings here in sunlight rays, that burns the morning dew

The barbed wire shivers in steely awe, the living are not true

Black dog howls on the edge of the night, howls the call of doom

The soldier wipes his sweaty brow from the safety of his room

Not long to go till the battle screams of death into the night

And the soldier boy will lose his life in this endless bloody plight

And when the battle is over, what about the pain

Of knowing that I'll never see my little boy again

His duty has been done at last, despite my growing fears

That knowing as a parent, I've wasted all these years

How could they do this?

How could the kill my son?

I tried to create an honest man, a man of right and good

Whose head was quickly shattered, nothing left but blood

They wrote at least a letter, explaining of their thanks

But little boys have little hope against Russian tanks

How could they do this?

How could they kill my son?

His soul was just a number, hanging on the cross

Just another casualty, another pointless loss

But me I was his father, so how do I feel now?

My life long goal is over, but still I wonder how

How could they do this?

How could they kill my son?