Eye Of The Storm

From Metropolis to Necropolis

By the storm of Pandemonium

In the light of the darkest season

In long for a glimpse of reason

Déjà vu of loss, visions of hate

Abstract damage, it’s all too late

Surreal images, before my eyes

Parabola curve, in death’s size

I, I’ve seen the eye of the storm

The head of the worm, pressure increasing

Might, might’s in the eye of the storm

In a fearsome form through life it’s piercing

Raping and killing the life that we’re leading

But I’m not too sorry it came to this

Demons and angels all dressed in storm clothes

I’m not too sorry it came to this

It’s the eye of the storm

The blurry picture

I’m dead and dying

Where is the line?

The earth is crying

Love, hate, life, death,

Who draws the line?

Dream, real, feel, think,

Turn blood into wine

The eye of the storm

Time is running

Out of my mind

And into nothing

In the eye of God

I see it now,

The eye of it all,

I am, I am

Eye of the storm!