
Hostile surroundings

Nourish-less soil

Taking its toll on my pride

Bittersweet feeling

Devouring beast

Eating its way from the inside

Poisoning whatever's on my mind

Denying me to prosper

Closing in on all that lies behind

No use to fight this way

I try to sleep, but nothing gets me by

Repulsive thorn inside me forcing me to lie

Regret the future today

Thoughts are inutile

Ready to strike

Building on hopeless betrayal

Bipolar issues

Sneaking my way

Knowing that I will fail

Ripping me up with its venomous fang

Prospering on my despair

Sharing its secrets of pain yet to come

And no one but me can hear

Parasite of my desire to live

Controlling when I suffocate

Leaching on beauty

Nothing to give

Converting it into pure hate