Lyrics Les Claypool

Les Claypool

You Can't Tell Errol Anything

Now Errol's a smart boy who delivered big weed

Says he can get you all that you'll ever need

He got careless and filled his face with greed

20 pounds past the limit 20 miles over the speed

Now Errol is said he was the jack of all trades

He'll walk down under anything as long as he's paid

He got(carjacked)? and he's quick to enrage

Just don't bitch about the service or (crept teed the grave)?

Cause you can't tell Errol anything

Cause Errol knows everything

Now Errol plays music whenever he can

Him and some Friends went and started a prog-rock band

But when they wouldn't always adhere to his plan

He packed up his P.A. and like a bastard he ran

Now Errol claimed his business was fully legit

Swore up and down that he'd never get bit

But incarceration has forced him to quit

Cause Errol the smart boy who wouldn't listen for sh**


You can't tell Errol anything

Cause Errol thinks he knows everything