Lyrics Lethal Bizzle

Lethal Bizzle

Had To Go

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

Feelin stupid try take Lethal B for a prick

Said sorry that was it nah bitch it aint it

I didn't want a relationship from the start

But some girl like you comes and runs off with my heart

Ok you told me secrets got some to tell you

I bin fukin other bitches since the day I met you

You said your not a hoe, how are you not a hoe

I thought you didn't go low, go low equals hoe right girl

I remember one time you phoned me I was back shottin tasha

You said what's that noise and I said it was the TV

The bitch believed me she's so easy

The bitch pleaded me coz it woz never you and me

I said yeah hurry up and come see me

She did she got back shotted in the GT

I no she only loves me coz I'm on the TV

Eattin poum nah nah dat woz never me

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

Don't get me wrong she was very very fit

Only thing she had you had saggy tits bitch

Stretch marks on her hips dick sukin lips

Any time I rid her I tell her bitch take a dip

I always tried to juice one of her friends though

Nah she was a sweat version of J-Lo

Yeah she was onit hoe lisa told me so

She linked a guy in North West yeah coz she's bangin bredrin

Then again I'm a little bit of a G

She got navigation DVD TV for the GT

She said she loves me, and always bugs me

She'd do anyfing in the world just to please me

She loves to go down south

She works better when she tastes tasha in her mouth

Ok ok I'll stop say please no please iight den bitch get back on your knees

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do

It's a shame that we had to go

Where we goin now we'll never no, oh boi

I wanna spend my whole life with you

Now your gone I don't know what to do