Census Of Stars

I'm a dream away and a sleep behind waking up safely


Resurrected, dumb yet protected

Confessing sins to unkind witness

Whose holdilg charm an arms leght distance, away

While assisting mistakes to sneak up behind me,

Finding me, unclaimed and blamed for shames sake

For every shining star there are three that have fallen

Two misjudged by hands having stolen

For every shining star there are three that have fallen

Two over looked by eyes that are swollen

with lies and a fools golden splendor

True targets of admiration stands in the shadows

Eclipsed by the undeserving,

Claiming the spotlight as their own

Enacting failures to a mass audience

Giving stage fright to greatness

Performing miracles and walking on water

When boastfully alone,

Hidden abilities un-shown, un-wept, un-dreamt

Sneak away to play without permission to say

Do you care enough to look beneath? ...or care less

For every shining star there are three that have fallen

Two misjudged by hands having stolen

For every shining star there are three that have fallen

Two over looked by eyes that are swollen

with lies and a fools golden splendor