Pages Of Time

Sample from the movie "My Girl 2" (1994)

"My dear, this is not a country that rewards poetry,

this is a country that rewards gas mileage, besides,

people don't read poetry anymore, they watch

television. Don't be a poet, be a TV repairman."

I'm sitting here reflecting on a world that's passed me


My time is spent, where has it went

If I only had just one more try

I can't help think about the way thing might have been

But there is no turning back now,

We must move on my friend

Not so long ago it seems when I was young

My adolescent dreams of great things to be done

I took for granted pleasures that children only know

Memories like treasures, I lived and let them go

The years have gone so fast,

and I can't change the past

Turn back the pages of time

I cherished not a moment, saw chances pass me by

Regret will be my eulogy, of things I didn't try

I lost my life to triefles and found no meaning there

A hedonist disciple afraid to even care

These years have gone to fast,

and I can't change the past, will this day be my last?

Turn back the pages of time

I locked away my secrets, no relationships begun

The fears I learned in youth, never trusting anyone

Self doubt prayed upon me, forever the willing host

I left no mark behind me as if I were a ghost

These years have gone to fast,

and I can't change the past, will this day be my last?

Turn back the pages of time