Pro Anti Anti

They brood in ecstasy, a thought to wrap your head 'round

The burn that earns the gleam, red crystals shine above a yacht

They put an axe in them, those ripe with complications

Like cars into a tree, I'll die before the fire's out

A hug I give myself, good ones can make me smile

Make amends to well fed men, they fatten more than feed

Clawed upon like guilt through time, or sleep collects to sheets

I built a tower, sealed the door, slept clear my memory

Pain stress and sorrow, from the world that blurs the me from me

They built advanced machines, I'm short a foot or two from proud

The crook that turns the key, some preschool spy they blew apart

That covered half the land, with spring's first white carnations

Like cars into a tree, I'll die before the fire's out

I brood in ecstasy, a thought to wrap my head around