Axe Cop

One day at the scene of a fire

I found the perfect fireman's axe

That day I became Axe Cop

Now I needed a partner

I had try-outs and hired a partner

His name was Flute Cop

We had a dinosaur gang to kill

We fought them with our axe and our flute

I will chop

will chop

will chop your heads off

I'm Axe Cop

I wish

for every weapon


can't stop

can't stop my onslaught

I'll fight every bad guy

I will save the world

I wear catsuits at night

I'll never fall in love

I may one day get married

If Sockarang's a girl

But till that day I'm working

All bad guys will be destroyed

Axe Cop

We cut off the mother and father

dinosaur heads and we devised a plan

Flute Cop got dinosaur blood on him

and he felt strange

Let's put these heads on a stick

and then hide some bombs in them

The dinosaur blood caused Flute Cop

to transform into Dinosaur Soldier

I will throw a baby

To save the town from scum

They explode robot heads

'Cause babies are dumb

If you try out for our team

You've got to show me all your moves

I'll know by your front kick technique

if you are good or evil

It was time for a huge fight!



Vampire Wolfer

Fire Slicer

Ralph Wrinkles

Wexter and I

will attack you

and chop off your head when we locate your hideout

We know every fighting move and we are smart

With lasers and robot suits and Mr. Stocker

Kill bad guys at night and we only are starting to fight

Our gun bill was really high

and we needed another job

So we got a new job at a fruit stand

and we were getting tons of money

We got to eat free fruit so we became

Avocado Soldier and Axe Cop with Lemon

Telescope Gun Cop came by

With Uni-Baby to buy some apples

Dinosaur Soldier: I'm gonna claw you with my claw

Sockarang: I'm gonna whip your head off with my sock arm

Wexter: Rarrrrrr!

Me: I'm gonna throw a grenade bomb

and you're... gonna... die!