Combat Mosh

Step into the conflict

A firefight of the flesh

Caveman genealogy

In violence we become enmeshed

It's murder in the circle pit

No longer we repress

The screaming apes we used to be

Wakened from a peaceful rest

Cast off the last million years

Because all that matters now is the kill

Put aside the suit and tie

Clench your fists and bludgeon at will

And mosh

Modern man's a construct

The thing beneath is truth


Hard-wired in the hulking brute

Pleistocenic people

Cro-magnon at the core

Savage ideology

In the pit we go to war

Mindless, churning, frenzied xenophobes

We succumb to that primal call

"Love thy neighbor" forgotten now

The stone age lives on in us all

So mosh

Just mosh

Give in to your id and devolve



Murder in the circle pit

Murder in the circle pit

Murder in the circle pit

Murder in the circle pit