
Thieving villain in my house

You've come to rob me blind

Weren't careful, I've found out

And now it's time to grind

Drag you down unlighted steps

Across the sodded floor

Bind your limbs in leather straps

And close and lock the door

There's no court or judge for you

There's no hope for appeal

You've been caught and sentenced to

Grind beneath the wheel

Eyes adjust in torchlit gloom

A chill sets in your bones

A guest in my most private room

New grain for my mill's stone

Struggle tight against the bonds

Beg mercy on your soul

I turn the crank and sing my song

The wheel begins to roll

There's no holy man for you

There's no final meal

You've been caught and sentenced to

Grind beneath the wheel

You're screaming now, the curses come

The begging, then the tears

I save this pleasure for the ones

Who've robbed me all these years

Feet are crushed and mashed and you

Begin to howl and squeal

You've been caught and sentenced to

Grind beneath the wheel

You're a thief condemned and you will

Grind beneath my wheel