Lich King III (World Gone Dead)

Regent rules over fields of fire

Planes have been conquered and razed

Part the mists to find the one time remaining,

That one last uncivilized place

The place is here and the time is now

and the earth is the pearl that he craves

Flash into existence with his legions of scum,

fierce soldiers he called from the grave

Grab... your gun...

and guard... your home

World... gone dead...

There's no... more government, nations, diplomacy, peace, there is only the master of bone

All hail the Lich King

Boston is first of the cities to go

And the undead sweep west like a plague

Bombers, artillery, infantry, tanks

go to war with the wretched awake

The UN is panicked and countries unite

as it's clear this is man's final stand

Resources pool in a desperate bid

And the focus is atomic command

Can... not fight...

The hordes... of ghouls...

World... gone dead...

So fire... your missiles and rockets and lasers and rail guns, but nothing will shorten his rule

All hail the Lich King

Air strike is called in and payloads are dropped

Mushroom cloud is a fountain of ash

Standing at ground zero, tall and unbroken

He raises his sword and he laughs

Man... has failed...

and earth... glows red

Bomb... sustains...

The king... he feeds on the nuclear fire and chaos and channels it into his world... this world gone dead