Lich King IV (Born of the Bomb)

Last living thing has been brought to its knees

And the multiverse worships the King

Dimensional empire of smoldering worlds,

Their ruler is standing alone

The earth is a tomb and the sky is its pall

And the dust is the people that failed

Regarding his realm in its thundering death

Calm at oblivion's door

To the victor go the empty and bitter

And terrible spoils of war

There are no more worlds to conquer

There's no one left to fight

The fallout drifts in the wake of the strike

And the cloud overhead blankets all

Nuclear lightningstorm flashing

A shadow is moving within

Something has formed

Something has spawned

Fission, unlife

Born of the atom

Born of the dead

Born... of the bomb

Rising up there amidst towers of smoke is a

Hydrogen-made skeletzar

Doppelganger in all respects, body and mind,

Powers mirroring those of the King

Hammered iron and bone and a chestplate of

Spiked armor all of it blackened by soot

Billowing green from its empty skull sockets

Tendrils of sickening light

The undead lord regards the usurper

And the newcomer returns the glare

An accident of science

A conjuration foul

The King begins to cackle and laugh

Realization sets in and the answer is clear

His one worthy opponent

In all of time, himself

And at long last

Something as strong

No end to the coming fight

Neverending battle has been

Born... of the bomb

Sword and axe are raised

And the two things are joined in combat

Sparks ignite from quickened strikes

The fireballs are as raindrops and

The thrumming lightning blasts

Cannot kill the sorcerers

Yet they carry on, his minions

Cower horrified and horrible








Lashing out with all his might

At the one made in his form

Locked in blissful violence

A perpetual and total war








Laughing long and loud the undead lord

A blackened denouement

Atop their world gone dead the

Maelstrom continues on