Twat Out Of Hell

I need some small flowers to come and crack

These concrete feet

Life jackets, water wings, they cannot save me now

I'm lonely

Everybody's so fucking lonely

Don't you know me?

I was the singer in Creme Brul©e

("The last thing we need is an uneducated wazzock of a president

who thinks human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully")

Kerrang!, you're a comic book

(Kerrang!, you're a comic book)

And Fracture, you're elitist

(And Fracture, you're elitist)

Shit business where bands survive

On three pounds a day

Sorry this was

About the war so anyway

("The last thing we need is an uneducated wazzock of a president

who thinks human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully")

So Where's Wally?

He's in the Whitehouse

He's playing army

He's smoking a fat cigar

So we'll chop his balls off

(Chop his balls off)

And make a pie

(Make a pie)

And over dinner we will ask him

Why innocent people die

Transit vans without MOT or insurance

Promoters with S.A.S. skills in avoidance

Seven thousand seven hundred and eighty one

White lines on the M1

This is not for everyone

So Where's Wally?

He's in the Whitehouse

He's playing army

He's smoking a fat cigar

So we'll chop his balls off

(Chop his balls off)

And make a pie

(Make a pie)

And over dinner we will ask him

Why innocent people die

Let's put the talking heads on

Do lots of acid, get Jon to DJ

And we can remake

Scenes from the Magic Roundabout

I'm pleased how my genitals fall out

Accidentally, we shall

Live our lives in such beautiful ways

Everybody in my bomb shelter