I Got Aids


Man, what's up?

Uhhh, I can't believe this, man

So I just got some news from the doctor, man

I got AIDS, goddamn, I can't believe this shit

The last time I fucked was my girl, I can't believe that

I let me think "Goddamn, it was another girl"

Got a lot of things in my life, but now I'm in the swirl

No protection, I should've used a condom

Instead of trusting these women. I never got tested

I felt fine, I never got sick, plus I look good

My mom said "keep your dick in your pants, and you be good"

I was worried about getting her pregnant

Not knowing she had full-blown AIDS, and she sexin'

Everybody, cause real talk, she ain't even tell me

Mad at her last man, she held the pain in her belly


Yo, I heard that motherfuckers said I'm HIV positive

What is going on?

"Oh my God, are you serious?"

What the fuck, man? I wouldn't be lying about it

Now there's something you gotta tell me

What you gotta tell me?

Now I'm fucked cause I had unprotected sex

Take it from me: go get checked, that be your best bet

On top of that, I got herpes when she gave me AIDS

My life ending early if I don't got no cash to pay

Magic Johnson, only one still alive

Sitting down all alone, it makes me want to cry

I can go back in time, I would've used a condom

Now I'm dying, saying "goodbye" to my momma


Yo, what the fuck, man?

My life's about to be over, man

My life's over. I can't fucking believe it

Man, that's all you gotta say, man

Both our lives done now

I probably fucking won't be able to trust nobody ever again

"Oh God... [more mumbling]"

I'm a talk to you later, that's all I can say

"Okay, please call me back"

I wanna tell everybody, make sure y'all get tested, man

This is not a game

A lot of people have STDs right now and don't even know it

You look perfectly fine and you feel fine

It takes a few months a few months for something to form in your body

But you can have it and be perfectly fine

Make sure you're not transferring these STDs to other people

I know it hurts, sometimes you don't even want to know

But to protect the world and be fair to everybody else, make sure you get tested

And don't trust nobody because a lot of people are lying

A lot of people don't even really know

And don't think cause a person looks good that they "free"

Cause there's a lot of people that got HIV

Lil B