Rape Attack

I went to my mom

I told her that I meet this boy

He was cute

But the only thing was

He was 20

I didn't tell her that

I told her that he

Was 16

So that he was aproved

I asked her can

I go to his house

She anwsered yes

So I went upstairs

To put on my bathing suit

I didn't know why I needed it

I had to sneek out the house with it on

When I got to his house

He asked me have I ever had sex

I said no

He asked did I wont to

I said no

But he did it anyway

I went back home

I didn't say anything

But after 6 mouths

My stoumate got

Bigger, bigger

Hungier, hungier

One day my mom

Asked me what was wrong with me

I said nothing

But she knew

So she dicided

To take me to the doctor

The dotor said

That I was prentant

At a ponit I dicied to tell my mom

I said that the boy I told you

Was 16 is actually 20

I told her that I

Would take good care

Of the baby

When the day can I named

The baby cristy aalinasion wells

And the dad was no where to be


In that was my rape attack