Lambo Music

Id Be Riding With The Top Back When I Cruise Through

Fly Whips I Ain't In Unless She Brand New

Lil Trips Vacating Out The Cancun

Spend The Weekend Let Your Girl Get A Tattoo

Top Back When I Cruise Through

Fly Whips I Ain't In It Unless She Brand New

Lil Trips Vacating Out The Cancun

Spend The Weekend Let Your Girl Get A Tattoo

Gets Me One Bad Chick And A Lambo To Get Me Right

This The Life Now Tell Me What You Feeling Like

Lean And Drop A Cruise Under The City Lights

So They Can Watch And Wonder How We Living Life

Hopping Out The Lambo Door

Fresh Out The Showroom Floor

So Take Your Homegirl Say Alavie

And It's Our Own YMCMB

Rolling Through Dallas Streets

I'm Jamming Lambo Music With My Top Down In A Recliner Seat

Going Fast Over 200 Is Where You See Me Like

Going Fast Like A Motorbike Iight

And When I Shop I'm The Demon Type

Catch You Over There You Crotching From A to B

This Lambo Gets Me Everywhere and Where I Be You'll Never Dash

So I Never Care About The Speed Limit They Can Tell When He In It

More Hot Shawty And Shawty That's Me In It

I Say This Is A Lambo You're Supposed To Speed In It

Ha! Now Get Your Miles Up

I'm A Whiz Kid High Tech You Just A Dial Up

Now Put Your Coin In I'm About To Lamb Yea I'm In The Booth Ballin Feeling like Jordan

Yea His Prime 23 His Bulls Are In

Gets Me One Bad Chick And A Lambo To Get Me Right

This The Life Now Tell Me What You Feeling Like

Lean And Drop A Cruise Under The City Lights

So They Can Watch And Wonder How We Living Life

Hopping Out The Lambo Door

Fresh Out The Showroom Floor

So Take Your Homegirl Say Alavie

And It's Our Own YMCMB

Buckle Up Let's Max Out At The Clipboard

Runway Running In This Lamb Dear Lord

Make Sure I'm Good But I'm Bout To Run It Into The Ground

Homie Check Under The Hood

V12 Baby Where Did You Look

V12 Ready To See

I Put That On Me

V12 Baby Where Did You Look

Even V12 Under The G Screen Gs

I'm Getting Teased Like I'm Supposed To

Grinding Girls Hanging Me on They Posters

Bullets For Each Bars Packing Guns With Holsters

But Asking if I Got Bread I Got Loafers

Bringing Stacks To Disnetland With No Chauffers

It's Me And You Baby Here To Takeover

Weezy Told Me When I Wasd Younger Money Was The Motive

I Get Alot Of That Now Girl Look

Id Be Riding With The Top Back When I Cruise Through

Fly Whips I Ain't In Unless She Brand New

Lil Trips Vacating Out The Cancun

Spend The Weekend Let Your Girl Get A Tattoo

Top Back When I Cruise Through

Fly Whips I Ain't In It Unless She Brand New

Lil Trips Vacating Out The Cancun

Spend The Weekend Let Your Girl Get A Tattoo

Gets Me One Bad Chick And A Lambo To Get Me Right

This The Life Now Tell Me What You Feeling Like

Lean And Drop A Cruise Under The City Lights

So They Can Watch And Wonder How We Living Life

Hopping Out The Lambo Door

Fresh Out The Showroom Floor

So Take Your Homegirl Say Alavie

And It's Our Own YMCMB