Lyrics Linda Davis

Linda Davis

Livin' The Dream

Everyone says that you're wasting your time

That thing that you're chasing ain't worth a dime

They're juts blowin' in the wind

Yeah what do they know

They probably told that to Dylan a long time ago

There's a kid in the ghetto his back to the wall

Stars in his eyes and a basketball

Yeah, down in the streets you either do or ya die

But he's bound and determined to fly

Have faith in yourself and believe that you can

It's precious as breath to a dyin' man

It really don't matter what tomorrow might bring

As long as you're livin' the dream

A pair of young lovers from a far away land

Build a new life with two hard working hands

They'll pay any price so their family

Can live in the land of the free

Have faith in yourself and believe that you can

It's precious as breath to a dyin' man

It really don't matter what tomorrow might bring

As long as you're livin' the dream

I play my piano for crowds big and small

I'm 40 years old and I've seen it all

Three minutes away from my name up in lights

But I'm singing my heart out tonight

Have faith in yourself and believe that you can

It's precious as breath to a dyin' man

It really don't matter what tomorrow might bring

As long as you're livin' the dream

As long as you're breathing

Just keep on believing

You are the reason you're livin' the dream