These Hands Weren't Meant For Us

These hands were strong once, they held my head and what’s inside

I tried to train them to stop the shaking, but they wouldn't listen to these lies

there's something out there I promise, it's coming for all of us

and it is evil, and I have seen it, it takes life and devours trust

it's bad when I close them worse with my eyes open. I see it if I sleep

so I keep my mind blank, and think of bravery, change and hope but I'm so weak

please take me in like I'm family, I've been out for far too long

my stone hearts aching, but I am changing. stay by me, leave me alone

I’m changing, I hold my head to keep from shaking

my hands are full, but I’m not (explosions build w/ horn)

I thought these hands were strong with how they used to hold the world

then It slipped away, I couldn't keep it, and now nothing isn't blurred

but ever since the first time that I flew above the stars

like a dragon into heaven trying to tiptoe past the guards

with bricks and bones, blood and stones and skin holding it all loose

I take one last breath and don’t think of death, that halo made a noose

and let's not speak of murder even if the motive is clear

because death is sleep anyways, and I'm fine right here

I couldn’t see what I was looking for, didn’t want to hear it

trying to control everything I see, when all I could do is swim in it.

or drown or tread in these careless waters just to get by

and just getting by? choking down every single ridiculous lie

like an axe in the back, like a coward or a hack.

now regret hates me, it’s fear that saved me putting mountains in my path

These arms were strong once, they moved the ground to keep us safe

but they are crumbling, my fingers numbing. I'm not reaching out I'm pushing you away

please trust it's for your well being, I don't want you here when I come down

so no words are spoken, with my eyes wide open, I’m all ready to be found

I’m changing, I hold my head to keep from shaking

my hands are full, but I’m not

I’m changing, I hold myself to keep from shaking

these hands are done, but I’m not

and I’m not full, but I’m not done either - just trying to hear what I need to see

and If I see it I promise I’ll let you hear it - and if you’ll listen, then I’m all ears

these hands weren’t made for us - but they grab at every will we conjure up

my hands weren’t built for me - but they still burn the ground enough

acting like they want to be found, just to go and hide again

these hands are all to blame, tearing where it needs to mend

each finger bent in shame, knuckles every shade of white

our hands are all the same, over our face cover our eyes

my passports all worn out, if you need these hands they’re all for you

I don’t know what I want, but I know what I don’t want to do