Lyrics Little Brother

Little Brother


I should've done things right lookin' back

But 20/20 eyesight, can't change the facts

Too much pride, pro'lly broke the back

Of the camel, not the haystacks

We was so right together, up on the phone late night

Just talking about whatever, yeah that's what couples do

We was together before it was official

Picnics, restaurants, movies, I'm missing you

It hurts my heart so much

Going these days without your touch

Not seeing you smile

Us breaking up, damn that shit was wild

Going back in time, I'd change a few things now

'Cuz you was more important than trips to the mall

I could've passed on shootin' ball, for a day or two

So instead you chose to pass on me

Since that day, Pooh has been free, until you come back...

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

Ayo, I think back to the days when I first was pursuing you

It's funny what distance can do to you

It make a nigga reminisce more than usual

Back to the times when we were innocent

When we was young, carefree, with crazy benefits

Cutting classes, skipping work, but didn't give a shit

I miss those simple days in a sense

Waking up next to you made all my mornings more intimate

Watching you sleep and breathe in and out

Holding you close, relieved any doubts

When all my dreams started withering

Inside myself I was livin' it

Selfishness sparked and not being half the man that I should've been

I'm sorry if I ever felt like a waste of time

But now I'm thinking from a longer term, state of mind

Tell me your dreams love, I'll make 'em mine

Yo, I ain't frontin' girl, it's you I'll always stand behind

You take me up...

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

It's been some months, but we back to speaking

"How you doing?" "How you been?"

"You look good." "So do you."

So what's up this weekend?

Let's hit the town say for old time's sake

I'll come get you girl, I won't be late

So watch you gonna do?

Yo, don't be late tonight, I ain't even tryin' to hate tonight

Fuck watching T.V. we goin' on a date tonight

Dancin' in Japanese steak tonight

So won't change into that outfit I bought you

You know the one you got when you thought I ignored you

Doing that sexy little salsa move I taught you

Don't ever say that I've never did nothing for you

I know how relationships can bore you

Or you can choose to chill from the night life

Kick back, it's sky blue tonight, me and you no moves tonight

It's on you baby choose the night

You think I'm just trying to write songs?

With my words, I'm trying to right wrongs

Build a relationship that's like stone

Eighty years old ?a care of wince? holdin' hands on the cyclone

With a career that is life-long

Showin' you love with my mics on, take me up baby

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are

You are... my life... my love...

(Come take me up tonight)

Starship baby that's what you are