Lyrics Liv Kristine

Liv Kristine

Fake a Smile

Living souls around me

They don't see

Just staring, closed faces

Fake a smile

Shaking hands, shake their heads

But they don't speak

Only demanding the right numbers

Of me, breaking into pieces

I'm breaking into pieces

My world is turning too fast

I can't get off this spin

I'm moving somewhere I don't want

But all I do is fake a smile

It's so cold around me

I hurry to the next stop

I'm waiting, for something

For someone, to steer me back to my life

Steer me back to my life

My world is turning too fast

I can't get off this spin

I'm moving somewhere I don't want

But all I do is fake a smile

When will I break

When does the ice break

When will I dare to press rewind and start all over