Anal Autopsy

I'll dissect with skill

And when I'm done

I'll tear you limb from limb

Then slice you from your,

Snatch back to your ass

The blood it flows

All over everything

You lay upon

Your tortures just begun

Anal autopsy

The dissection of butts

Anus ripping

And I will sew it shut

Guts and innards

Your bowels removed from you

Now you're dying

I'll enjoy watching to die

Suck my dick bitch then come back for more

Hard to do when you are dead

Now that you're bodies run stiff and cold

Ass sewn shut

For no fee

Sucked my dick

That enough

Sucked my dick but I won't save you

Stupid whore

Sucked my dick but I won't save you

Worthless whore

Fuck your ass but I won't save you

Stinking whore

Used your ass but I won't save you

You fucking whore