Inner Fetal Dismemberment

Carefully choosing my tools

Only the sharpest of devices

While caressing the stomach

I slowly begin insertion

Blindly I try to find the life the grows within

And Inner Fetal Dismemberment will begin

Fluids rush as the embryonic sac in punctured

Moaning, Bloated, Bitch

Severed appendages, decapitated

Blood spews from your widened crevice

Drenched in the fluids

Contractions begin


Your cunt becomes vomitous


spitting ragged pieces of flesh


Undeveloped bones piece and splinter


Guts and mushy pulp-like flesh

Tiny intestines fall like shit

From the mutilated birth canal

To the floor this horrid mess

Thin tender skin so sweet

Join me in my feast

Mouth waters with anticipation

She helps me indulge in this meal

Lust marinade delicacy

She has created