My Cock It Bleeds

Sadomastic, necrophobic, raping of the dead, my cock it

bleeds (my cock it bleeds) from your rank ass cunt!

Puncture wounds are seeping, ozzing, cock dripping with

rectal cum, on your face I wipe my cock, smell the

stench, I vomit! With my tongue I lick it up, twisted

corpse drenched in cum, entrails used as trophies, mark

of man, evil now displayed! Rectal seeps, ass sliced

open, stepped over the edge of insanity, whore (whore), I

smite you with my cock! Conforting, anal sores, on my

dick puss it flows ! Beating with a hangar across the

face, stupid bitch hanging on a hook, geyser flows, blood

spilling on the walls, mark of man, evil now displayed,

carving your cavity, eager to mutilate!