Orgasmic Flesh Feed

Face down in the bowl of stench

Fleshpot of ecstasy if you will

Appendages spasm in delight

Continuous lapping

Taste buds destroyed from acidic juices

Sweat and cunt dripping

All at once


Vertebrae arching


Genitalia flush orgasmic soup

Strength doubled

She spasms my head deep in the hole

In excitement I've bitten the clit

Blood trickles down the thigh

Did she notice

The screaming so loud

Thrusting violently

Pain mistaken for pleasure

Again I indulge in her flesh

Bite after Bite

Deeper in the lusting socket

Consuming the flesh

Each piece more rancid than the last

Cunnilingus turned sexual buffet

She has broken my skin with her digging nails

Sweat finding wounds to sting

No longer licking just constant feeding

With predator like frenzy

Orifice now destroyed

My prey no longer moving

How quickly she bled to death

I wipe her from my face

Matted with blood, flesh, and hair

1 realize I was never brought to orgasm

The selfish bitch deserved to die

As she lies dead with eyes wide open