Raped For Rent

You're a whore on the floor, on your knees, sucking

dick for a fee

Stupid bitch, turning tricks, makes me sick, all the

cum that you drink

In the night, feeling night, with this knife, gonna

take what is mine

When I'm done you will know how it feels, to be used

like some meat

Senseless victim

Lust for free

Raped for rent then

Stripped and robbed

All your screams for help go, unheard

All the tears your crying, won't help

Beg me now for mercy, no chance

Better dead and buried, slut no more

Don't you wish you fucked me?

When you had the chance too to late

You will know

How I feel about you, bitch

Now you know you will see

The fine art of dissection

Tie you up like a pig

Make you scream the redemption

Choke you on

My huge dick


As I cum

Make your choice on my, make you choke on my dick

I'll enjoy fucking your face

Crushing your skull

Brain matter seeps

Stench of your death

Screams of your agony


Just like your dreams

You'll die a worthless death