Lyrics Lizzy Borden

Lizzy Borden

Be One of Us

We sleep at day, we feed at night

We catch the flight

We taste the wine amd life's a scream

And love's a bite

Silence breaks through the air

Eyes of flame, burn my stare

Can't resist it's way too strong

Come where only you belong

And be one of us

One of us come taste the wine and fly away

One of us last boys alive we die to play

One of us come taste the blood of life with me

One of us be one of us I know the way

We fear the sun, worship the moon

We've come undone

We've sold ourself, immortal youth

Nomads we are one

Silence breaks through the air

Eye's of flame burn my stare

Can't resist it's way too strong

Come where only you belong

And be one of us

One of us come taste the wine and fly away

One of us last boys alive we die to play

One of us come taste the blood of life with me

One of us be one of us I know the way