Lyrics Lizzy Borden

Lizzy Borden

Eyes of a Stranger

I think I know you when I look into your eyes

But when I hold you I feel you're as cold as ice

You stare a hole in me that chills me to the bone

Fatal attraction into the unknown

In the eyes of a stranger

There lies a mystery

In the eyes of a stranger

Are you what you appear to be

Beauty is just skin deep and the lines are getting old

Trying to find what hides behind thge eyes of the beholder

Stranger's kiss is worth the risk of always being new

Never know just who you're with that's staring back at you

In the eyes of a stranger

There lies a mystery

In the eyes of a stranger

Are you what you appear to be

In the eyes of a stranger

Take a turn full power thrust

In the eyes of a stranger

Be cruel and be dangerous

With X-ray eyes I see tonight

just who you are and I'm watching you

Your secret dream I hear you scream

I've gone too far for eyes of blue

The secrets of the past and all mistakes that never change

Recreating replays but the outcome stays the same

Ticking like a timebomb on the ready to explode

It's fantasy, reality, it's meaningless, alone deep down

In the eyes of a stranger

There lies a mystery

In the eyes of a stranger

Are you what you appear to be

In the eyes of a stranger

Take a turn full power thrust

In the eyes of a stranger

Be cruel and be dangerous