Lyrics Local Natives

Local Natives


The day after I had counted down all of your friends

Down until

There were none, were none, were none, were none

A hummingbird crashed right in front of me and I understood

All I did for us.

You gave, and gave, and gave, and gave.


Every night I ask myself

Am I giving enough?

Am I giving enough?

Am I giving enough?

Am I?

If you never knew how much,

If you never felt all of of my love.

I pray now

You do, you do, you do, you do.


Every night I ask myself

Am I loving enough?

Am I loving enough?

Am I loving enough?

Am I?


Every night I'll ask myself

Am I giving enough?

Am I giving enough?

Am I giving enough?

Am I?


Every night I'll ask myself

Am I loving enough?

Am I loving enough?

Am I loving enough?

Am I?