Lyrics Logar's Diary

Logar's Diary

The Spells

Now tomorrow is very unclear

Our lives are very unsafe in these days of fear

Why must we all be fleeing

Why does everything change once it's worth being

These days we must escape in the night

If we want to lose the threatening might

Great magicians from everywhere

Must help us and move Parlainth to another sphere

Mighty spells unite!

Create a thunderstorm by night

You are our only hope

Parlainth must hide

Mighty spells unite!

Create a thunderstorm by night

You are our only hope

Parlainth must hide

So now we can't be found anymore

But what will those people conclude that have known us


Again will those magic spells blaze,

Wipe out the memory of this holy place

Ch. Mighty spells are tied

Now we remain alone in the night

This was our only hope

Parlainth is hiding now